Tuesday 3 November 2009

NaNoWriMo: Cityslicker Edition

so, because i barely have time to shower, i'm going to try NaHaiWriMo (National Haiku/Haiqua* Writing Month) instead of the traditional novel business, that i'll leave for the true talents (read: teenage fanfiction lovers, legitimately aspiring writers or both). i'll give a nod here to my brilliant friend rick whose idea i think this was (if it's clever, amusing, creative, or awkward he's likely behind it). i'm already several days behind, so I'll do three haikus today, all equally lame, and/or amusing, then i'll try to keep up for the rest of the month (we all know this will not happen, but humour me, will you?). occasionally i'll try to use the haikus as an epigraph so some overarching theme of the day like my awkwardness, feminism, socialism, other -isms, -istics, or -ologies, etc. it may be interesting. or ridiculous. only time will tell.

*for those of you that don't know, a haiku in english traditionally has a syllabic symmetry of 5-7-5 or 3-5-3, whereas a haiqua is a haiku of four lines with one or two words per line. i will be doing different variants of the haiku, you know, to shake things up a bit.

"Yes, Feminist Press?
how may i help you today?"
...wait, where's my stapler?

Unduly awkward,
always the penultimate
i just make mixtapes

I did tell you I
understood your English, but
misplaced, commas, why?!

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